Discover the ultimate best bedding for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats that guarantees comfort and safety.

Discover the ultimate best bedding for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats that guarantees comfort and safety.

Whether you are a seasoned caregiver or a new pet parent, selecting the right bedding for your little companions is crucial.

Bedding for your little friend, what to look for?

Not all bedding substrates offer the same performance and convenience; some can even be dangerous, which can be overwhelming. But don't worry. We are here to provide you with a comprehensive analysis of the pros, cons, and average cost of the most popular bedding choices for guinea pigs and other small animals.

So, what qualities should we look for in bedding for our little friends?

 • Urine absorption

A good bedding solution for your little friend's home must be highly absorbent and dry quickly to prevent bacteria and mold growth and control odors, keeping the enclosure hygienic. Your little friend´s coat must remain dry.

 • Creature comfort

The right bedding must create a comfortable home where pets can move freely, rest, sleep, and exercise without risk of injury. Their well-being depends on it. A happy pet is a friendly, outgoing, and fun little friend.

• Unscented and dust-free

Guinea Pigs and other small pets have sensitive little lungs. You must avoid any fragrance and dust as they can irritate. 

 • Safety

Some options available to other pets or advertised as safe-for-rodents can cause severe injuries and diseases. Always inform yourself or check with knowledgeable professionals before settling for bedding. 

 • Price and availability

Some bedding is more expensive than others. We estimate the monthly cost to help you figure out the best solution. The price and availability of different materials may vary depending on your location. 

 • Ease of use

The bedding must be spot-cleaned every day and replaced frequently. Choose a bedding that complies with the requirements above and is easy to maintain. Their well-being comes first, but your convenience is relevant too. Consider your situation, your setup, and your pets.

Inappropriate bedding options for rodents

A good bedding solution for your little friend's home must be highly absorbent, dry quickly, and be safe! Only use a substrate or material designed for them. Refer to the list below for examples of unsafe bedding solutions you must avoid.


• Wire mesh flooring

An absolute no-no! Wire mesh flooring can cause pain, inflammation, infections, and severe injuries on their  feet.


• Cat litter

Although it absorbs liquid well, cat litter can cause intestinal problems if ingested. This product produces a lot of dust, which is prejudicial to the respiratory system.


• News papers

Although they are practical as an underlayer for loose bedding, they are not a valid option for your little friends. They provide little to no absorption and remain wet for too long,  promoting bacteria growth. 


• Cedar wood shavings

The compounds and phenols present in cedar wood shavings are linked to allergic and respiratory diseases and impact liver enzymes. It is toxic for Guinea Pigs and other pets. Avoid it at all costs.


• Straw

Small rodents are at risk of injuring their eyes with sharp and hard straw stalks. The straw will quickly spoil and does not retain liquids.


• Corncob

Corncob can cause impaction when ingested by rodents. It is less absorbent than wood-based bedding and is prone to mold growth. For this reason, we do not recommend it. 

• Sawdust

Sawdust is highly irritating to the respiratory system. Breathing wood dust particles may cause severe health issues.

Having listed the most problematic bedding, we can now look at valid and popular bedding options amongst Guinea pig caregivers.

Popular bedding options for Guinea Pigs and other small pets.

• Pine wood shavings


Pine wood shavings remain a popular choice as bedding for Guinea Pigs due to their natural appearance, pleasant smell, and good moisture absorption. It is an affordable and readily available by-product of the woodworking industry.

Pine wood shavings can cause respiratory problems for Guinea Pigs. The kiln-dried, dust-extracted version helps reduce this issue, but it is still not the best bedding option due to the phenol and dust presence. Guinea Pigs have a sensitive sense of smell, and even small amounts of aromatic oils and dust can be irritating when they are in constant contact with the bedding.

When other options are available, we do not recommend pine wood shavings.


 • Aspen wood shavings


Aspen wood offers similar advantages to pine wood but has fewer drawbacks. It is a non-aromatic hardwood and a safer option for bedding. However, it can be harder to find and does not provide as much odor control as pine wood.

Recommended for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats..

• How much will I spend? 

Aspen and pine wood shavings have similar prices. Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using wood shavings as bedding. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on wood shavings. Rating ☆☆★★★

Although wood shavings are expensive in the long run, the initial investment is small, and the cost per kilo is lower when purchasing large compressed bales. However, horse-sized bales can contain large and sharp pieces that could hurt your little friends. 

Wood shavings are not suitable for skinny pigs and guinea pigs with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery. This substrate can also be problematic when caring for long-haired guinea pigs, as it tends to become sticky.

Guinea pigs are prone to respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia and respiratory infections. Dusty bedding, like wood shavings, is a known culprit for some of these issues. Contrary to popular belief, wood shavings do not cause respiratory infections in guinea pigs. Bacteria is what causes Upper Respiratory Infections

Wood shavings require daily cleaning. Although they tend to fly everywhere, they are relatively easy to handle until it is time to clean the cage.

Another consideration is that, when not composted, this substrate creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. 

When other options are available, we do not recommend pine wood shavings.

However, depending on your situation and with proper care, aspen wood shaving is a good bedding solution for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats.


 • Paper pellets


The paper pellets are processed recycled paper or cardboard boxes. Paper pellets absorb moisture very well and tend to swell and change color when wet. The paper pellets are usually as hard as a stone. They may be uncomfortable for your pet's sensitive feet. For this reason, you should avoid this litter or combine it with another softer substrate.

Caution is required as not all brands of pellets are equal, and some can contain more dust than others. We recommend checking for yourself the best product available in your region.

• How much will I spend? 

Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using paper pellets as bedding. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on paper pellets. Rating ☆☆★★★

Like all replaceable substrates, paper pellets are expensive in the long run. They are not soft nor comfortable and are therefore unsuitable for pets with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery. This substrate is also unsuitable for skinny pigs. Despite its good absorbency, you should avoid this litter as it is hard on an animal's feet.

Paper pellets are heavy and are difficult to manage. Depending on your supplier, paper pellets can be dusty and contribute to respiratory issues.

Another consideration is that this substrate is highly processed and creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. It is hard to compost and extremely heavy.

When other options are available, we do not recommend paper pellets.


 • Paper litter

It is a substrate containing no harmful aromatic oils that absorb moisture slightly better than wood shavings. However, it is an expensive solution. Paper litter is composed of recycled paper and cardboard boxes or wood pulp. 

Please note that some manufacturers add chemicals and stains to their litter. Always make sure to check for harmful additives. We recommend a natural version with no coloring or unbleached white litter if necessary. 

Caution is required as not all brands of paper litter are equal, and some can contain more dust than others. We recommend checking for yourself the best product available in your region.

• How much will I spend? 

Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using paper litter as bedding. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on paper litter. Rating ☆★★★★

Like all replaceable substrates, paper litter is expensive in the long run. They are unsuitable for pets with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery. Paper litter is not an adequate substrate for skinny pigs.

Depending on your supplier, paper litter can be dusty and contribute to respiratory issues.

Another consideration is that, when not composted, this substrate creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. 

Recommended for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats.

 • Wood pellets

Similar to the paper pellets are the wood pellets. They are also very hard and may be uncomfortable for your pets. Wood pellets are made of compressed sawdust and will return to sawdust when wet.

Despite its good absorbency, you should avoid this litter or combine it with another substrate to prevent irritating particles from flying around. Wood pellets can be composed of various kinds of wood - only purchase kiln-dried pine wood pellets.

Never use cedar or mixed hardwood or wood stove pellets that can contain accelerants, have a strong pine odor, and be toxic.

The wood-based pellets purchased in bulk at farm stores are less expensive.

Caution is required as not all brands of pellets are equal, and some can contain more dust than others. We recommend checking for yourself the best product available in your region.

• How much will I spend?

Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using paper litter as bedding. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on wood pellets. Rating ☆☆★★★

Once more, replaceable substrates like wood pellets are expensive in the long run. Although they are cheaper than paper pellets, using wood pellets can impact your budget. They are unsuitable for pets with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery. Wood pellets are not an adequate substrate for skinny pigs.

Wood pellets are heavy and are difficult to manage. Depending on your supplier, wood pellets can be dusty and contribute to respiratory issues. 

Another consideration is that this substrate is highly processed and creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. It is hard to compost and extremely heavy.

When other options are available, we do not recommend paper pellets.


• Hay

Hay can be dusty and poorly absorbent.  Your pets will enjoy munching away and playing in a handful of hay placed as a top layer for a more absorbent substrate. An enclosure filled with it will quickly become smelly and damp, requiring daily cleaning and replacement.

IIt is an effective insulating and nesting material in cold weather but unsuitable as the primary bedding unless you can source cheap large 45 Kg / 100 lbs hay bales from a local farmer, allowing for frequent cleaning.

This option is best for an outside hutch in the countryside or a garden as it is impractical for most people living in cities as the space required is significant. Store-bought hay will become very expensive to use as bedding. 

• How much will I spend?

Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using hay from large 45 Kg / 100 lbs bales sourced from a local farmer as bedding. Transport not included. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on hay. Rating ☆☆☆★★

Using good quality hay for bedding is a waste of money. Only when purchasing large 45 Kg / 100 lbs bales can hay become more affordable. Nonetheless, it is a poor bedding solution as it lacks absorption and is prone to mold. Hay bedding is unsuitable for pets with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery. Hay is not an adequate substrate for skinny pigs.

Avoid this litter or combine it with a more absorbant substrate.

Another consideration is that, when not composted, this substrate creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. 

When other options are available, we do not recommend hay for bedding.


• Hemp

Hemp is among the fastest-growing plants, making it an eco-friendly solution. Hemp bedding is highly absorbent. It is a pleasant bedding with a natural look. It is usually not dusty and provides effective odor control. Additionally, hemp has no phenols. Unfortunately, like wood shavings and soft paper bedding, hemp tends to fly everywhere.

• How much will I spend?

Please refer to the graphic below for the average cost of using hemp as bedding. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies. Prices and availability may vary depending on your location.

• Conclusion on hemp. Rating ☆★★★★

Hemp is similar to aspen wood shavings and paper litter as it does not contain aromatic oils. But it is more expensive. Purchasing a large horse-sized 20 Kg / 44.09 Lbs helps reduce the cost, but it is heavy and occupies a lot of space.

It is unsuitable for skinny pigs and pets with health issues such as bumble foot, prolapsed penis, or recovering from surgery.

Another consideration is that, when not composted, this substrate creates a lot of waste that requires transport to the landfill. 

Recommended for Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats.


• Fleece Liners

Fleece liners are special reusable blankets made of several layers that line the bottom of the enclosure for a more efficient and convenient bedding solution. They are machine-washed and reused countless times. Say goodbye to messy substrates that fly all over.

Guineapet fleece liners are professionally designed and tested specifically for your little friends. They are dust-free, soft, highly absorbent, quick to dry, and reusable, making them the best and most cost-effective bedding solution.

Unlike other generic brands, our standard fleece liner sizes fit perfectly in C&C cages and Guineapet wooden enclosures, providing a worry-free solution for the best modular cage system.

 Guineapet fleece liners come in twelve colors. Nothing looks as good as a fresh enclosure with a clean liner and matching accessories. Combine colors and create a setup that matches your home decor. Create the perfect space for your little friends.

• How do Guineapet liners work?

The liquids immediately sweep through the upper layer of anti-pill fleece fabric and are trapped by the two absorbent middle layers. The water-resistant base layer keeps moisture from leaking. With 400 g/m²  / 11.80 oz/yd² of specially formulated highly absorbent technical fabric, Guineapet liners are the most absorbent on the market.


Your little friends remain comfortable in a dust-free, safe, and dry environment, preventing health issues like infections and irritations.

 Like other substrates, fleece liners require daily maintenance by quickly sweeping droppings and hay from the surface. When combined with pee pads in sensitive areas like corners and hideys, a single Guineapet liner will remain odor-free, dry, and comfortable for five to seven days, depending on the enclosure size and number of piggies.

When it is time to replace the liner, sweep dropping and hay away and simply machine wash the liner and pee pads. Guineapet liners dry quickly and are ready for use again and again.

• How much will I spend?

Unlike disposable substrate, fleece liners require a higher initial investment. Because you can reuse Guineapet liners for many years, the cost over time is much lower than other alternatives.

After the initial purchase, maintaining the liners is inexpensive. They must be machine-washed at 30º with a mild, scent-free detergent and a cup of white vinegar.

Considering the price of all variables, like the average water consumption, electricity, detergent, and vinegar, the value per wash comes to 70 cents. This value may vary slightly depending on your location and circumstances.

Please refer to the graphic below for the most common substrates and liner costs over a year and the break-even point when purchasing two 2X4 Guineapet liners compared to the cheapest substrate.

After six months, the initial investment in two 2X4 liners is paid for, resulting in consistent future savings.

The yearly average cost of maintaining the liners is as follows. We calculated the values using a standard 2X4 - 140X70 cm / 55.11x27.55 enclosure housing two piggies.  
In the long run, Guineapet fleece cage liners are almost three times less expensive than the cheaper substrate.  

• Conclusion on Guineapet liners. Rating ★★★★★

The new Guineapet® liners have a four-layer construction system that includes 400 grams per square meter of absorbent technical fabric and a water-resistant softshell fabric bottom. Liquids are trapped in the inner core while the surface remains clean and dry.

Guineapet cage liners and pee pads are a great alternative to the common bedding materials that can be messy, expensive, and sometimes cause health problems such as irritation and respiratory issues.

The Guineapet reusable fleece soft bedding is less expensive in the long run, and easy to maintain. With Guineapet products, you do not have to worry about supplies. Save trips to the shop and eliminate the recurring expense of purchasing bedding material constantly.

Keep your pet fresh and clean while saving time and money.

It is the only suitable bedding for skinny pigs and pets with health issues such as bumble foot or recovering from surgery.

Recommended for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chinchilla, and Hedgehogs. Not recommended for Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice and Rats.


• Conclusion

Having tried many substrates and generic liners, we can confidently affirm that the Guineapet enclosures, in conjunction with the Guineapet liners, are the best solution for your little friends and yourself. 
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